The 3 Pillars of Transformative Self-Care

Recently, I was cleaning out some boxes in my office and came across some cards I had created in 2014. They were one of my very first attempts at implementing and tracking a self-care routine.

They have about six million things on them that I wanted to track. They obviously took me a while to format and print. It looks like I used less than ten of them.

If you’ve been around a while, you know that in 2013 I burned out hard, and that burnout manifested itself in a nearly fatal illness. When I was fully recovered and started working to avoid a repeat of anything like that ever again, my Google searches led to this totally foreign concept of self-care.

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10 Beginner Steps to Self-Care

When I first started trying to figure out how to “self-care,” there was literally so much information out there! What was I supposed to do with all of this? I scoured the internet, all the books, and every other resource I could find to try and get a good handle on what I was doing.

It took so much time, and what I eventually discovered is that self-care is so individualized, and it changes all the time. After years of building and implementing my own self-care plan, I have discovered that there are a few things that most people can start with that will ensure success, and those don’t change. I put all of those things together in a handy dandy one-sheet reference for you!

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Trusting You'll Find Your Path

The other day I saw a meme on Facebook that said, “ do something today that your future self will thank you for.” I am all for this from a health standpoint, but it was being used on this occasion as a marketing technique to encourage someone to invest in a business seminar.It got me thinking about how in the hell I got here.Back in 2016, with no understanding of what I wanted to do with my time or my life, I was obsessed with figuring out my calling. I pored through articles about how to find your passion, took countless interest inventories, asked everyone I knew what their dream job was…and still could never, ever, in a million and a half years have told you I was going to find my calling in coaching. EVER.Sometimes we box ourselves in by thinking we have to stick to a plan just because we chose to try it.

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How I Made My House My Haven: Part Two

One of the best things I did when I started focusing on self-care was develop a nightly ritual. Managing my anxiety is easier when I am prepared, and following a nightly ritual prepares me mentally and physically for sleep and for the next day.Clean UpEvery night, I load/unload my dishwasher and rinse out the sink. I know this seems a little extreme, but there is something about having a clean sink that makes your entire kitchen seem cleaner.

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How I Made My House My Haven: Part One

About 2 years ago, my husband and I moved into a fully updated bungalow that we both just love. We both feel like we've been there for years and years, because we are comfortable in it and it meets our needs so well.Living in our old home (what I lovingly refer to as our "honeymoon house"), we were kind of slobs, y'all. We always had to do a lot of deep cleaning whenever we hosted events, and things stayed cluttered a lot of the time. It made me INSANE. My anxiety was always kind of spiking because I felt like, even when I just wanted to relax and unwind, there was always something screaming to be cleaned, de-cluttered, organized, or tidied.When we moved into our new house, my husband and I made choices to change those habits in our new home, and not fall into old patterns.

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Battling Toxicity with Loving Detachment

We all have been in a situation or environment that felt toxic, right? Sometimes, due to what we are going through or someone we love is going through, that relationship can even feel toxic. On occasion, we must endure someone who is truly just a toxic person. There are times when all of these toxic elements can crash in on each other - and one of them is the holiday season.Let's be honest - we aren't all going to get along all the time. You love these people, but sometimes they make you cray.

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Enjoy The Now: A Guided Meditation

Deep…Release the day…Release the "shoulds"…Feel gratitude for this time to ground yourself…Deep…Place your hand over your heart…Feel all the love that resides there…Hold all those you love in the light…Hold yourself in the light…Deep…Keep holding yourself in the light…Congratulate yourself on all you are…Encourage yourself in all you want to be…Love yourself unconditionally…Deep…

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The Three Main Questions to Ask When Crafting a Self-Care Vision Statement

Hey there! If you've purchased my guidebook, you know that a major part of my process is crafting a vision statement. I know, I know! Everyone and their dog has had you put together a vision statement, and it's just kind of silly, right? I get it! I really do. When I first started working on different versions of life inventories and vision statements, I thought it was sort of ridiculous. That being said, I really have found immense value in having a short go-to statement I can keep in view when I am planning, reflecting, or setting goals.So, the basics on a vision statement are pretty much the same no matter whose formula you are using: Use the present tense, Use "I" and keep it pretty succinct.With self-care, I want to challenge you to add another layer by answering these three questions:

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Permission To Be Yourself

Hello Friends!I am so glad you are here! I want to talk for a minute about self-care. What it is, what it looks like, and how it can help you. You ever hear that adage, "You can't pour from an empty cup?" Is your next immediate thought, "Well, then what have I been doing all these years?" Yep, me too.So how do we take our crazy, overstimulating, chaotic, overly busy lives and find some time to "fill our cup?" The short answer is that most of the time, we don't. We can't count on a consistent and prolonged period of time for us to do all the big and small things that make us feel whole and happy. What we CAN do, is make small, habitual changes over time.When we start with a vision and set intentional habits and goals, self-care builds and builds and eventually we are feeling good, living right and enjoying what we are doing and who we are doing it with.And that all sounds AHMAZING, right? And totally impossible, right? I know. I know!

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