How I Made My House My Haven: Part Two

One of the best things I did when I started focusing on self-care was develop a nightly ritual. Managing my anxiety is easier when I am prepared, and following a nightly ritual prepares me mentally and physically for sleep and for the next day.

Clean Up

Every night, I load/unload my dishwasher and rinse out the sink. I know this seems a little extreme, but there is something about having a clean sink that makes your entire kitchen seem cleaner. Likewise, if your kitchen is clean but your sink it stacked with dishes, it seems dirty.The one other thing I do is to pick up anything that is in the wrong room and put it in the room that it lives in. You don't even have to put it away, necessarily, but it makes it easier to find things, and the next time you are in that room, you can easily put whatever it is where it lives.These two tiny actions ensure that as I am walking out the door the next day, I'm not looking for things I can't find or worried that the house is going to stink when I get home. Cleanliness zen - it's a thing.

Change clothes

I am one of those people that basically stays in my work clothes until it's time for bed. I hate laundry, so it doesn't make sense in my world to wear an extra outfit. That means the first step at bedtime is to change into clothes that I will eventually sleep in.


I didn't really start paying attention to skincare until my 20s. I have been blessed with great skin, but I also want it to stay that way, so I do wash my face and lather on the skincare nightly. I swear the moment I start my skincare routine, my brain clicks over into chill mode. It's bizarre. I always make sure I have a cleanser (or cleanser wipe for my lazy days), a toner, a moisturizer, and an eye cream. My very favorite skincare is Arbonne, but for a less pricey option, I also use Cera Ve. Make sure you are using the correct products for your skin type. If you want to start small, start with a cleanser and a moisturizer and build from there.

Setting Out What I'll Need/Wear the Next Day

I drink a green drink every morning for my liver health (greens + beet powder with water in a shaker cup), and I'll throw the powders in the shaker cup and put it by the back door with anything else that needs to go with me the next morning.I pick out my outfit for the next day (with accessories and shoes!) and hang it on the over-the-door hanger next to my vanity. I will say, this step would be SO MUCH simpler if I had a capsule wardrobe, and this is something I am working on intentionally for the spring. I truly believe the less options you have, the better.


Y'all know by now that I love to bullet journal. Every night I take a few minutes to log my food, fill out my habit tracker, and set an intention for the next day. I also note any funny quotes or things I want to remember, and list what I am grateful for. I also review what's coming up the next day and/or for the rest of the week. All of this usually takes ten minutes or less and helps me to feel super organized.

Reading for Pleasure

I quit reading for pleasure for a while there, and man did it make a difference. I was staying up later, not sleeping as well, and missing reading to boot! I find that reading for pleasure (instead of spending hours on my phone!) helps my brain and body get into relaxation mode, and helps me get sleepy. As a voracious reader, it's also nice to have a set time for reading every day, so that I can power through my list of must reads!


Every night, the very last thing I do, as I turn out the light, is start a 15-minute meditation on my phone. It helps my husband and I slide into sleep, as well as reiterating the positive self-talk we want to engage in. It also reminds us that we are not alone, and that the Universe is behind us. We've done this every night for a couple years. We rotate through the same several meditations and it is so comforting to listen to the soothing sounds of the meditations as we drift off. My nightly ritual is an integral part of my self-care routine. It lowers my anxiety, helps me feel prepared, and keeps me in the right mindset.What do you do for your nightly ritual? Is there any one thing that has been particularly hard to put into place? What would you like your nightly ritual to consist of? Let me know in the comments!