How I Made My House My Haven: Part Two

One of the best things I did when I started focusing on self-care was develop a nightly ritual. Managing my anxiety is easier when I am prepared, and following a nightly ritual prepares me mentally and physically for sleep and for the next day.Clean UpEvery night, I load/unload my dishwasher and rinse out the sink. I know this seems a little extreme, but there is something about having a clean sink that makes your entire kitchen seem cleaner.

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How I Made My House My Haven: Part One

About 2 years ago, my husband and I moved into a fully updated bungalow that we both just love. We both feel like we've been there for years and years, because we are comfortable in it and it meets our needs so well.Living in our old home (what I lovingly refer to as our "honeymoon house"), we were kind of slobs, y'all. We always had to do a lot of deep cleaning whenever we hosted events, and things stayed cluttered a lot of the time. It made me INSANE. My anxiety was always kind of spiking because I felt like, even when I just wanted to relax and unwind, there was always something screaming to be cleaned, de-cluttered, organized, or tidied.When we moved into our new house, my husband and I made choices to change those habits in our new home, and not fall into old patterns.

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