10 Beginner Steps to Self-Care

When I first started trying to figure out how to “self-care,” there was literally so much information out there! What was I supposed to do with all of this? I scoured the internet, all the books, and every other resource I could find to try and get a good handle on what I was doing.

It took so much time, and what I eventually discovered is that self-care is so individualized, and it changes all the time. After years of building and implementing my own self-care plan, I have discovered that there are a few things that most people can start with that will ensure success, and those don’t change. I put all of those things together in a handy dandy one-sheet reference for you!

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Trusting You'll Find Your Path

The other day I saw a meme on Facebook that said, “ do something today that your future self will thank you for.” I am all for this from a health standpoint, but it was being used on this occasion as a marketing technique to encourage someone to invest in a business seminar.It got me thinking about how in the hell I got here.Back in 2016, with no understanding of what I wanted to do with my time or my life, I was obsessed with figuring out my calling. I pored through articles about how to find your passion, took countless interest inventories, asked everyone I knew what their dream job was…and still could never, ever, in a million and a half years have told you I was going to find my calling in coaching. EVER.Sometimes we box ourselves in by thinking we have to stick to a plan just because we chose to try it.

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Change is the Worst

Guys, I have told myself for years and years that I hate change. For several of those years, I really did. Change threw me into an anxiety spiral, I had surges of crushing panic and lashed out at the people around me.Change is so bizarre, isn't it? For me, I feel like the lack of control when it comes to change is what triggers all those negative reactions.Since perfectionism has always been a challenge for me, being in control (so that I could make things perfect!) was a major theme in my life. Not knowing what's going to happen, not knowing what to expect - TERRIFYING, because I wasn't in control.Several weeks ago, my therapist challenged me to try and not play everything out to the nth degree. Just BE in this journey. When I heard that, honestly, I thought, "Pfffft. Okay. That'll happen."

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Authenticity + Vulnerability = Clarity

Self-compassion is such a gift. We all have that small voice that seems to express our most honest needs and desire. A lot of the time, we tune out that inner voice, and when we do acknowledge it we excuse it or ignore it or reason ourselves out of acting on it.When you begin to allow yourself to be more vulnerable, and you work to practice authenticity, you will also find yourself honoring that small voice a lot more often.You will find that small voice is really your guiding light, your true self, and by honoring it you will be living a more fulfilled and happier existence.Self-compassion will become a direct result of higher levels of authenticity and vulnerability, whether or not that's your intention.Here are some ways that I have found to honor my authentic self and make myself vulnerable:

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