10 Beginner Steps to Self-Care

When I first started trying to figure out how to “self-care,” there was literally so much information out there! What was I supposed to do with all of this? I scoured the internet, all the books, and every other resource I could find to try and get a good handle on what I was doing.

It took so much time, and what I eventually discovered is that self-care is so individualized, and it changes all the time. After years of building and implementing my own self-care plan, I have discovered that there are a few things that most people can start with that will ensure success, and those don’t change. I put all of those things together in a handy dandy one-sheet reference for you!

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Enjoy The Now: A Guided Meditation

Deep Breath....in....out…Release the day…Release the "shoulds"…Feel gratitude for this time to ground yourself…Deep Breath....in....out…Place your hand over your heart…Feel all the love that resides there…Hold all those you love in the light…Hold yourself in the light…Deep Breath....in....out…Keep holding yourself in the light…Congratulate yourself on all you are…Encourage yourself in all you want to be…Love yourself unconditionally…Deep Breath....in....out…

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