Enjoy The Now: A Guided Meditation

Deep Breath....in....out…Release the day…Release the "shoulds"…Feel gratitude for this time to ground yourself…Deep Breath....in....out…Place your hand over your heart…Feel all the love that resides there…Hold all those you love in the light…Hold yourself in the light…Deep Breath....in....out…Keep holding yourself in the light…Congratulate yourself on all you are…Encourage yourself in all you want to be…Love yourself unconditionally…Deep Breath....in....out…You are completely present…You have no fear of the future… You have no qualms with the past…You are completely present…You are detached from the outcome…You are enjoying the moments that make up the life…You are completely present…Deep Breath....in....out…Deep Breath....in....out…Deep Breath....in....out…You are completely present  

This post is obviously a little different than most things you see on here. I have had a breakthrough with my anxiety lately, and that's because of a phrase that I (interestingly enough) heard in my coaching program: being "detached from the outcome". It was said in terms of being a coach, but it resonated with me because I needed to hear it that day. So often, we make ourselves kind of insane by analyzing (and over-analyzing!) everything. That behavior caused paralyzing anxiety in me, to the point that I couldn't make small decisions because I was so afraid of the unknown - and even known - consequences. I will be really honest with you - I have never gone for anything like I have with my coaching career. There are several reasons for that: coaching lights me up, I realized a passion that I could turn into a career, and I am continually motivated by people like you, who tell me that what I am putting out there resonates. That being said, I have had my share of paralysis about it, and somehow I have managed to push through, I think because I truly do feel that this is my purpose. I heard about the outcome detachment in a moment of paralysis, and it was so freeing to know that I could just do the thing, and ENJOY it, and not have to worry about things that - spoiler alert! - were 1000% outside of my control! Since then, I have been focusing a ton of energy on staying present, embracing and enjoying the now, and moving through any fear or anxiety I may have. It has done wonders for my mindset, my health, and my self-care. I  put together this little meditation to share with you so that you can also focus energy on being present. I hope that you can use it! Remember, take your time with this. Let yourself FEEL it, don't rush it, and really sit in the light for a while. I can't wait to hear what you think, and the results you see from it.