10 Beginner Steps to Self-Care

When I first started trying to figure out how to “self-care,” there was literally so much information out there! What was I supposed to do with all of this? I scoured the internet, all the books, and every other resource I could find to try and get a good handle on what I was doing.

It took so much time, and what I eventually discovered is that self-care is so individualized, and it changes all the time. After years of building and implementing my own self-care plan, I have discovered that there are a few things that most people can start with that will ensure success, and those don’t change. I put all of those things together in a handy dandy one-sheet reference for you!

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The Three Main Questions to Ask When Crafting a Self-Care Vision Statement

Hey there! If you've purchased my guidebook, you know that a major part of my process is crafting a vision statement. I know, I know! Everyone and their dog has had you put together a vision statement, and it's just kind of silly, right? I get it! I really do. When I first started working on different versions of life inventories and vision statements, I thought it was sort of ridiculous. That being said, I really have found immense value in having a short go-to statement I can keep in view when I am planning, reflecting, or setting goals.So, the basics on a vision statement are pretty much the same no matter whose formula you are using: Use the present tense, Use "I" and keep it pretty succinct.With self-care, I want to challenge you to add another layer by answering these three questions:

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