Permission To Be Yourself

Hello Friends!I am so glad you are here! I want to talk for a minute about self-care. What it is, what it looks like, and how it can help you. You ever hear that adage, "You can't pour from an empty cup?" Is your next immediate thought, "Well, then what have I been doing all these years?" Yep, me too.So how do we take our crazy, overstimulating, chaotic, overly busy lives and find some time to "fill our cup?" The short answer is that most of the time, we don't. We can't count on a consistent and prolonged period of time for us to do all the big and small things that make us feel whole and happy. What we CAN do, is make small, habitual changes over time.When we start with a vision and set intentional habits and goals, self-care builds and builds and eventually we are feeling good, living right and enjoying what we are doing and who we are doing it with.And that all sounds AHMAZING, right? And totally impossible, right? I know. I know!

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