How Intention Can Conquer Procrastination: Part One

For the first thirtyish years of my life, I was a world-class procrastinator. I had just accepted it. I knew that I could work and function under the pressure, and I knew even if I procrastinated, I would most likely still get the thing done. Afterward, the stress and adrenaline would manifest in a major crash, but at least the thing would be done. Super healthy, yeah?About a year ago, I started recognizing that something had shifted, and I didn't really procrastinate anymore. To this day, I don't really know how that happened, but I have some theories.In hindsight, there were three main components to my procrastination: perfectionism, lack of clarity, and a shit ton of overwhelm.

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Why I Love My Capsule Wardrobe

I talked a while back on Instagram about getting to a point where I absolutely HAD to cull my wardrobe. I had clothes across three (!) closets, and a very blah attitude about what I was wearing most days. I also was only wearing the same 10-20 items at a time, so I knew that there was a ton of stuff in there that was just collecting dust.The process was daunting. I got every.single.item. out of the closets (minus undergarments. Ain't nobody got time for that!) and stacked it all on our spare bed. Then I went through and separated everything into three categories:

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What It Actually Means To Have Your BEST YEAR EVER!!!!

We’ve all seen them! The ads and posts that start somewhere right around Thanksgiving:“19 Ways to Take Control of your Finances In the New Year!”“5 New Years Resolutions Everyone Should Commit To.”“6 Foods You Shouldn’t Be Eating If You Want to Feel Better in Next Year.”“How (App Name) Has Millennials Crushing their Goals!” “This (insert product name) Will Have you Saying YASSSSS in (year)!”The ad copy or post almost always ends with some form of “and make (year) your BEST EVER!!!!! Nowadays, if I think whatever is being directed at me may have some value, I will read it or look into it, but a few years ago, right after I had completed my first full year of self-care (with a veritable SHIT TON of trial and error), I was SO SICK of those ads and posts and articles.

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