How Intention Can Conquer Procrastination: Part Two

Last week, I shared my story of conquering procrastination by eliminating perfectionism and overwhelm and finding clarity.Today, I wanted to share some of the ways that I often work through procrastination with you, so that you can apply these questions to anything that you are procrastinating. I find that by answering these questions, I can move forward fairly quickly, and break through the procrastination.

  • Why are you wanting to do/doing the thing that you are procrastinating? Is it something you really really actually want to do, or is it surrounded by feelings of obligation, dread, or paralysis?

  • If it is something that you really really want to do, what is the biggest obstacle causing you to procrastinate? If it's money, is there a cheaper option? If it is time, could you break it up into smaller pieces? If it's some other reason, is there a way around it or an alternative? Really think it through - you might be surprised at what you come up with when you really want to make something work. (Some Tips - if cost is an issue, see if you can find some of the supplies on Facebook Marketplace. Needing a book as a resource? Go to the library or ask if anyone you know already owns it. Take notes or scan pages at your local library. Needing to be in too many places at once? See if you can do what needs to be done remotely, over FaceTime, with Zoom, or with Skype).

  • Is doing the thing simply too overwhelming right this minute? Too much all at once? If it is, pare it down or take one part you are the most excited about and do that part. Then see what happens.

  • If it's just a matter of gutting up and doing the thing, take 10 minutes to visualize how amazing you will feel when the thing is done. It might be scary, it may not work out, it may not meet expectations, but you will never know if any of that is the case unless you do it. Close your eyes, see yourself completing the thing. You are amazing. You have done it. You don't have to think about it anymore, and no more energy has to be devoted to it. You've done it, and you're awesome for doing it.

So many times, we let so many factors stop us from doing great and wonderful things. If procrastination is one of those factors for you, I invite you to explore why. I came at this from the other direction, but I wish I had taken the time to really understand why I was procrastinating so badly for all those years, instead of just hating myself for it. I would have gotten so much clearer a lot earlier. How have you tackled procrastination? Share your tips in the comments!